Sunday, March 11, 2012
Attic Find
Neat old rifle even though it is missing a lot of parts. I think it was probably a flintlock and possibly converted to a side hammer. The straight 1" octagonal barrel is 34 1/2" long and has a front barrel lug. So it was a full stock. The rifling is totally gone except for at the very end of the muzzle. It mics out at .60 inside the rifling but further down in the bore around .540. No charge in bore and only about 1/4" of breech plug threads(guessing by putting ramrod down the barrel). The butt is very small and parch box is only 3/8" deep. The trigger actually comes back to contact sear arm instead of up. No makers mark, just and x on the bottom flat of barrel. There are actually two inlays(I forgot to take a picture of the small triangular silver wrist inlay). Flash guard tacked in behind breech.